We love art at the Old Town Cafe. It brightens our work environment and supports our creative community. Many of us are artists oursleves and try to put our own show on once a year. Hopefully this page will answer some of your questions. For further information, you may contact our art director oldtowncafeart@gmail.com (note: this email is not checked everyday so please be patient with our response)
Currently, shows last for two months long and occur Dec-Jan, Feb-March, April-May, June-July, Aug-Sept and Oct-Nov. This means we only have 12 artists a year and are usually booked six months to a year out. Things are always changing, however and you can reach out in case last-minute openings occur. If you have a stash of art and want to be on our last-minute cancellations list, please reach out!
The cafe does not take any commission, yet handles the sale of art. As new ways to exchanging currency evolve, new options may arise. We have experimented with allowing qr codes for direct payments to the artist via platforms such as venmo, but we do not currently have a protocol to allow direct and indirect payments to the artist to occur simultaneously. Until otherwise posted, we only take payments through our point of sale system. At the end of the show, the artist will be paid via check.
Hanging Logistics:
The larger wall is made of crumbling brick which means it is uneven, unable to be fastened to and may create some dust. The smaller wall is made of old wood, which also cannot be nailed into. To protect the delicate building, we insist that art is only displayed via fishing line from S-hooks on our picture molding. Our brick wall may be changing color soon and becoming less crumbly and dusty. Stay tuned!
The artist is responsible for tags, artist statement and hanging their own art. Our art director will always be present to help if needed. Hanging usually happens on the last day of the month before your show, between 3:30pm and 7pm. The Old Town Cafe provides fishing line, S hooks to hang from the picture molding, and a captive audience for your art, everyday from 6:30am to 2:30pm.
Please email a sample of your work or a link to your website to oldtowncafeart@gmail.com. If it is not clear from your images, please indicate size and medium so we can better schedule the rooms. If you care to leave information for our staff to peruse regarding your art, it may help us better answer questions during service.
Natalie Murphy
art director
The larger wall is made of crumbling brick which means it is uneven, unable to be fastened to and made create some dust.Â